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Worship Time
You are welcome to join us! We worship in person and live online Sundays at 10:00 AM. We practice safe health protocols, so please bring a mask. You can watch our live broadcasts and archived services at www.echimestv.org.
Contact Us
131 Middle Road, Sayville, NY 11782-3158
631-589-1519; churchadmin@sayvilleucc.orgWebsite: www.sayvilleucc.org
Facebook www.facebook.com/sayvilleucc
Weekly Newsletter: echimes.org
Our Church Office is open Monday – Thursday from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Heather Corcoran is our Church Administrator and you can call her for information, including scheduling and general questions at 631-589-1519 or email Heather at churchadmin@sayvilleucc.org.
Welcome LGBTQAI+/Queer Community
We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation since 1992, welcoming our LGBTQAI+/Queer Community in the full work and worship of this congregation. As a member of the United Church of Christ, you will find a full welcome here. No kidding!
United Church News
- ‘Welcoming immigrants in our midst’: New resources for churches in the wake of policy changes
- General Synod 35 keynote speaker is a minister at the intersection of faith and civic engagement
- Love is Louder in February: UCC ministries offer new resources, invite submissions to spread love ‘out loud’
- One Great Hour of Sharing offering is underway: Resources help congregations ‘be the light’
- Faith expressed freely: Statement on congressional response to Bishop Budde’s sermon