Worship Time
You are welcome to join us! We worship in person and live online Sundays at 10:00 AM. We practice safe health protocols, so please bring a mask. You can watch our live broadcasts and archived services at www.echimestv.org.
Contact Us
131 Middle Road, Sayville, NY 11782-3158
631-589-1519; churchadmin@sayvilleucc.orgWebsite: www.sayvilleucc.org
Facebook www.facebook.com/sayvilleucc
Weekly Newsletter: echimes.org
Our Church Office is open Monday – Thursday from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Heather Corcoran is our Church Administrator and you can call her for information, including scheduling and general questions at 631-589-1519 or email Heather at churchadmin@sayvilleucc.org.
Welcome LGBTQAI+/Queer Community
We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation since 1992, welcoming our LGBTQAI+/Queer Community in the full work and worship of this congregation. As a member of the United Church of Christ, you will find a full welcome here. No kidding!
United Church News
- ‘On My Mind Today’ shares thoughts and concerns from UCC’s Karen Georgia Thompson
- Self-nominations requested for individuals to serve as General Synod committee chairs
- Valentine’s Day was a great time to have a heart for the climate: UCC churches take action
- ‘Elon Musk, Oligarchy, and Climate Justice’ webinar addresses important issues of our day
- 27 religious groups, including UCC Conference, file lawsuit challenging ICE action in churches
Monthly Archives: June 2017
49 Acts of Kindness and Love
49 Acts of Love & Kindness Courtesy of OneOrlandoAlliance.org Visit an elder and ask them to tell you about the world when they were growing up or when they first got married or their first job. Get school supplies for … Continue reading
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